To explore, process and add value to natural resources in a responsible manner towards people, the environment, and the future of the world, and to offer these products globally.

What are the values of our business structure?
- Being consistent and reliable.
- Prioritizing human and creating safe and healthy work environment.
- Being sensible to environment and societies and contribute to them.
- Being a passionate and respectful team which strengthens by diversity.

In the sector
- To be pursued and consulted at national and international level
- Being a pioneer in OSH and environmental issues
- Being the best employer
- Providing portfolio diversity
- Becoming the best R&D in Turkey and to be among the top R&D’s in the world
- Having patented products

Which features make us strong?
- Qualified human resources which focuses on common goal.
- Value based approach to our all shareholders.
- Innovative and technological superiority.
- Accurate opportunity and risk management.
- Making decision quickly and using resources effectively.